Landed the land

After 6 months of negotiating, several years of looking, and many more years of saving I finally closed on my piece of land in the mountains last week. I spent the weekend up there just trying to familiarize myself with it and clear a way into the middle of the property where I hope eventually to build a house. I finished the weekend with sore muscles, a dull chainsaw blade, and a strong desire not to leave. I was able to get the truck up to the eventual home site by Sunday afternoon, though I broke a rear view mirror against a tree. The first of many mishaps, I imagine. All worth it and part of the process.

Roadwork: taking down a berm in an old logging road.

I did take some time out from shovels, pickaxes, and chainsaws to explore both on foot and on the dirt bike, as well as a trip into town for a growler of local beer and a hat.

These not-so-little guys were all over.
Exploring. Just for science. Not that the WR is fun or anything.
Getting ready to put some dinner on and a having a local brew.