If I Had a Shovel

I would shovel in the morning
I would shovel in the evening
All over this land.

I got a shovel. A really big shovel. It’s a late ’70’s Case backhoe that spent years on an almond orchard in the Central Valley. It will make short work of cutting in driveways, maintaining fire breaks, digging a septic system, trenching for utilities, and eventually clearing building sites and digging my basement — once I learn to use the thing with any degree of skill. School starts now.

Although it works today, I do have some mechanical work to do, new tires, clearing up a couple of hydraulic ram leaks, brake maintenance, and minor electrical gremlins. It all seems pretty straightforward and I procured a factory service manual, of course. Just tradeoffs for getting a big, burly piece of equipment like this at an affordable price.

Friends Joe, Adam and I took delivery of the hoe midday on Saturday and by 8pm we had about 300′ of new driveway that was, if not smooth sailing, at least passable even in a passenger car. The home site, that I could only get to in 4-Low by a circuitous route before, is now an easy drive in. I’ll work on smoothing it out some more next time I get a work day up there. Sneak preview: that should be in about 2 weeks when we will be taking down a giant, recently-ish dead Western Red Cedar. Fingers crossed it’s still good lumber and not a giant carpenter ant nest…. Watch this space!!!

monkey cut tree
Joe limbing felled cedar while clearing driveway.
Your author and erstwhile backhoe pilot.
Joe and Adam of the Strong Backs.
Hoe working on new driveway.


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